“If we talk about an issue, it gives that issue purpose. But, if we ignore the issue, nothing will be learned and the status quo will continue”
Author: magnusconsulting
Workplace Policies and Bystander Interventions
Workplace policies related to bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment should include bystander interventions as a required response to inappropriate behavior. For the most part workplace policies are based and developed around…
Family Status – What employees and employers need to know?
The Canadian Human Rights Act along with the Alberta Human Rights Act both protect family status as a prohibited ground of discrimination. Family status, according to the Alberta Human Rights…
Being a Leader Means Taking Ownership
As a leader, you have an enormous amount of responsibility. You have responsibility for yourself, your people, your organization, and in some cases the public. Owning your mistakes is a…
Doubts raised about effort to reform Calgary police workplace
Calgary Police Chief Roger Chaffin (left) and former Constable Jen Magnus at a meeting of the Calgary Police Commission on March 28, 2017. Postmedia Meghan Potkins, Calgary Herald Online Article:…
How to make harassment training work?
How to make harassment training work? The cost of training employees can quickly build up to an excessive amount of money for organizations. Researchers continue to prove the financial loses…